Guascor Energy has provided cogeneration for hundreds of plants worldwide, powering industrial processing as well as public supply. Cogeneration provides myriad benefits, the fulcrum being extremely high efficiency due to heat utilization. This means lower costs for you and more sustainable emissions for the environment.
Guascor Energy gas engines are designed to operate on a wide variety of fuels including natural gas, renewable biogas, propane, synthetic gas, and mixed gases. This provides a high level of flexibility to meet your specific needs, while providing a robust, resilient and efficient onsite power solution.
Many kinds of industries and facilities can benefit from combined heat and power solutions, from hospitals and water treatment facilities to manufacturers and university campuses.

Guascor Energy gas engines deliver high efficiency with low emissions. Durable equipment design and construction provides extended lifecycle performance.
Dynamic Fuel Blending: Combining gaseous fuel supplies from two different and separate sources in a gas reciprocating engine. Dynamic fuel blending changes the composition of fuels while the gas engine is running and keeps the desired control algorithm outcome to compensate for the variability of one fuel source (e.g. Biogas) by using/supplementing a second gas (e.g. NG) from a known reliable source.